another change has hit the towers my website— i'm working on switching the whole site over to a blog format! please pardon the dust while i figure this whole thing out.
i have a couple reasons for making this change:
- ease of updating via mobile; i'm using Dotclear, which has a very mobile-friendly posting interface. i really want to update my site more often, but i don't always have the energy to sit at the PC to write (or i'm away from home) so being able to post from my phone will be nice
- WYSIWYG editing and a media management system...i know hand-coding everything is a badge of honor but i'm a child of Livejournal, what can i say!!
- focusing on the blog format for my own site will encourage me to read more blogs from other indiewebbers!
- i finally have a convenient way to use sitewide smilies, which is a very silly feature, but i simply Must be able to express my feelings via little guys
in the coming days i'll be working on migrating Stuff from the old site to this blog. i'll be rewriting my recipes to share as individual posts—i promise not to turn into a Recipe Blogger—but other old pages will probably be, well, pages rather than blog posts. but we'll see! just ignore me making a big mess while i shift the site around
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