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the website formerly known as doubleincision

holy crap! what started as a simple urge to change my domain name turned into a big project in which i switched hosts and revamped my whole site! i kept the same content and layout, but spiffed up several things i wasn't previously satisfied with. so it's more like a refurbishment than a total overhaul, i guess :lol: i think i was inspired by the big changes that 32-bit is making, with the migration to discourse. not that this is anything close to the scale of that project, but the Spirit of Change took hold of me.

but do you see that smiley up there? that's what i'm most excited about— this blog is running on serendipity, which comes with a smiley plugin :dance: i've been trying to find a way to get smilies to work on my blog for like 3 years now so like aaahhh finally lmao. they should work for the comments, too, if there's anybody out there reading this+desiring to comment on it (unlikely lol). if you are out there reading this, though, and want to follow my blog, it does have an RSS feed, i just haven't stuck the little icon dingle up in the header yet. here's the link though!

regarding my new domain, i chose the latin adjective versipellis, which means:
shape-shifting, capable of transforming itself or altering its appearance

this word reflects both my nature as a gender nonconforming trans person as well as the ever-changing nature of the site. plus it sounds cool. also it can be used to refer to werewolves or lycanthropes so like....werk :cool:

i've got a couple posts from my old blog to repost here (namely my top surgery one) and then i'll be fully moved in. and then i have to bring my partner's site over to the new host, which is actually going to be way more work than my site was because his does need a lot of overhauling. oh, and i also need to make a new 88x31 for myself...why do i put myself in these situations :crying:


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Solaria on :

ooooh this is exciting! Maybe one of these days I'll move from neocities and neaten up all my files/organization ('one of these days' will not be soon hsdfhjsd)

i enjoy the deviantart emojis :biggrin: :hug: :lol:

Surge on :

moving from neocities to a host with PHP capability is super useful for stuff like blogging and image galleries! i'm too lazy to do all of that by hand in HTML, just give me a CMS :innocent: it costs a little money to host but that's a sacrifice i'm willing to make in exchange for doing less work haha

i'm glad you enjoy the dA emotes; i saved all of them ages ago because with the continuous enshittification of dA i had a feeling they would probably end up as lost internet media someday. the majority of them are so old that i think they're a piece of history worth preserving— i think some of them even predate dA itself? so now they're mine :devilish:

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