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sleepy eepy

ugh i feel bad that i've been away from the internet, aside from mindlessly scrolling tumblr, for like a month. i just haven't had energy for socializing online lately; i haven't really had energy for much at all :skull: i did finish a couple art pieces that i'm super proud of, but i'm not ready to share those yet because i intend to use them in the store i want to open in the future.

the lack of energy is physical as well as mental, too— i've been dealing with pretty bad pain in my back, worse than usual. i wonder if my (alleged, undiagnosed) scoliosis is getting worse as i get older or something. i noticed a while back that one of my shoulders is very visibly lower than the other but i have no idea if it's always been like that or if that's a new thing. i don't think my insurance would cover getting it checked out, but i also don't think a doctor would tell me anything other than "have you tried losing weight" lol. anyway there's nothing more to this post, i just needed to complain about how so very very sleepy and tired i am :frown:


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